Storytelling has historically been a wonderful way to entertain while also passing down important information. The stories we were told as children helped us to understand character traits like kindness or a strong work ethic. As we develop, though, we can sometimes start to tell ourselves stories and, in some cases, what we tell ourselves can hold us back. Even in our Sherwood general and cosmetic dentistry practice, we see how storytelling can go too far. Here, we will address some of the fables about dental implants that just need to be put to bed for good.
I’m old; I should just get dentures.
Tooth loss can have strong implications whether you are 40 or you are 80. How you replace missing teeth does not depend on age. It depends on your general health, your preferences, and the structure of your jawbone. Lifestyle habits also factor into a certain degree. Age is the least of the various considerations made during the consultation for dental implants.
I am afraid of the procedure.
We understand that the idea of oral surgery can feel unnerving. Having posts, however small, inserted into the jawbone, sounds complex. It’s not. Moreover, the procedure is performed with local anesthetic. With the surgical site numb, the only sensation that should be felt is slight pressure. If you would like to get dental implants in our Sherwood office but feel anxious about the procedure, we invite you to learn more about your option for sedation in addition to a local anesthetic.
Tooth replacement isn’t that important. You can’t see the gap, anyway.
There is a lot of this story. First, tooth replacement is essential, regardless of where loss has occurred, or to what extent. Even if one tooth has left a gap between two teeth, there are consequences to not filling it. Of course, teeth can shift, creating a bad bite. But even if this didn’t happen, the teeth that have to pick up the work of the one that is gone are overused. Because overuse could lead to excessive wear and damage, replacing the missing tooth in a way that most closely resembles natural anatomy offers the greatest advantage.
Schedule a consultation
Trade stories for facts. Call (503) 925-9595 for more information on dental implants.